Burnt caramel Mini Egg millionaire’s shortbread

I came across a version of this recipe online and adapted it slightly to give a slightly burnt caramel toffee in the middle rather than the plain caramel one in the original.

Although there’s no real eggs in it, I thought, as it’s nearly Easter, Mini Eggs would do as a substitute this time around!

You’ll need a square baking tin, lined in greased foil.



For the base

150 g unsalted butter

75 g caster sugar

200 g plain flour, sieved


For the caramel

150 ml double cream

100 g light muscovado sugar

30 g unsalted butter

Sea salt, to taste


For the chocolate topping

120 g Mini Eggs

200 g milk chocolate


  1. Preheat the oven to 170ºC (fan) and prepare your tin.
  2. Place the butter, sugar and flour in a food processor and blitz until it all comes together to form a soft dough.
  3. Press the dough into the base of the tin, trying to make it as even as possible. I just used my hands for this.
  4. Bake for 20–25 mins, until golden brown on top. Remove from the oven and leave to cool completely.
  5. To make the caramel, place all the ingredients except the salt in a medium-sized saucepan and heat gently until the butter has melted and the sugar dissolved. Increase the heat slightly and bring the mixture to the boil. Stirring continuously, simmer for at least 5 minutes, until the mixture starts to thicken and turns a slightly darker shade of brown. Add the salt to your taste.
  6. Pour the caramel over the cooled biscuit base and place in the fridge to cool for about 20 mins.
  7. Using a rolling pin, crush about 90 g (one pack) of Mini Eggs while still in the unopened packet. Scatter over the top of the caramel.
  8. Melt the chocolate in the microwave or in a glass bowl set over a pan of boiling water, taking care that the water doesn’t touch the bottom of the bowl. Pour over the top of the caramel and Mini Eggs, and then scatter the remaining eggs (some can be crushed or you can leave them whole) over the top of the chocolate.
  9. Leave to set before cutting. Twenty minutes in the fridge will do it.